Thursday, January 29, 2009


It is freezing cold here again.  The wind is up and the snow blowing around is sure to make driving loads of fun.  I just put on heavy wool hiking socks and my feet are loving it.  It has snowed here day after day while only twenty miles down the road it's been sunny on occassion and, dare I say it, warm?  It is -4 deg. and that may be the high point of the day.  It doesn't matter how hot the stove is it just isn't warm unless I'm sitting on it.

I can usually find beauty in this place no matter how bad the weather but I am sick of the wind.  I just had an email sent to me that asked what are the three things you want most this year?  All of the previous answers included...Let the wind stop blowing...This is the reason people go stir crazy.  This is what causes cabin fever.  If you stay inside you get depressed.  If you go outside you get cold and depressed.  Winter in the high country is not for the weak.  I know I have it better than the folks in the midwest with no heat or electricity.  At least I'm prepared for it and I have a wood stove.  Losing electricity here would mean losing water as heat tapes are the only thing that keeps my pipes from freezing up.

It's too nasty to go out and haul in wood this morning so I'm just putting on another layer of clothing.  Global warming will bring with it added winds.  I can't imagine people living up here if it gets much worse.  Although property costs will certainly go down, the ideal house will be under ground or dug into a bunker situation in the side of a hill.  By the time I get all the clothing on I need to go outside I will be tired enough for a nap.  Instead I will go to work.  It is very warm there.  Thank God

1 comment:

Mama Bear said...

aw, come south to my pace and stay here a while. -i wish.

i can see how after a while it can wear you down. that's kinda what my mom goes thru in upstate ny. her visit last week was a great escape from the below zero temps.

stay warm, keep reading good stuff and your writing, well, that;s a given. sorry i haven't been keeping up lately. been busy dabbling in other stuff. i miss your writing. going to read more.

BIG WARM HUGS from texas.