We call them Mayflowers, crocus, and Pasque flowers. They are the first things to bloom here in the spring. If you look carefully you'll notice other touches of green in this pictures. This is spring here, flashes of green and tiny pieces of color tempt the eyes! It's all clouded up this morning and I'm taking my time getting ready for Roland's walk. The coffee tastes unusually good and I am savoring each sip. Music is on, my house is semi-clean and all is right with my world. Do you ever have mornings like that, when everything just seems calm, easy and nice? I'm so glad this one is on one of my day's off work. I can stretch out the goodness of it for the whole day if I'm lucky and careful! I'm going up to Plume today to hike above town. I'll take a camera and spend some time looking at the beautiful place I live. I find that just having the camera with me makes me look at things differently, more intently. You realize that everything you look at is with it's own beauty and drama.
I'm also doing laundry this morning. That doesn't sound interesting at all but it is. It's spring cleaning time. I may not be able to go through a room a day anymore but by the end of the next three weeks my house will smell good, all the bedding and curtains will be fresh and winter's layer of smoke and dust will make way to summer's layers of dust! I love the before and after of spring cleaning, the way the window's sparkle in the sun and the woods in my house take the lemon scent of the oils on them. I use a lot of herbs in my cleaning and the scents of rosemary, lemon and lavendar are everywhere in my house right now.
I guess it's time to stop writing and start moving. Those May flowers aren't going to wait forever. The dog, me and my camera are out of here!
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