Saturday, May 10, 2008

MAY 10, 2008

It snowed again last night and it's still snowing this morning.  I have plans for cleaning my yard and getting my garden together.  HA!  I know I will hear a dozen suicidally depressed people whine about snow this late in the year.  It always snows this late in the year up here.  Every year people talk about how much longer winter has lasted than usual and every year, they are wrong.  Winter lasts for nine months here.  Some years it snows every month.  I hope my hummingbirds live through this and all the daffodils, thyme, oregano, poppies and other things that have bravely though foolishly started growing and flowering.

The fritatta I had last night of wild asparagus and white cheddar cheese seemed so appropriate for the lovely warm spring evening.  I had jasmine tea out on the porch and savored spring.  I guess it's back to hot chocolate and warm fires and savoring snow again.  Shit!  

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