Yep, that's just what I'm in the mood to be! I remember when I was in my twenties, working in resturants, wanting to get old. Why? So I could be the bitch I really am at people and they wouldn't hit me! Unfortunately I still need to work for a living so that hasn't worked out well for me.
The getting older part happened. I'm not quite a blue-haired raisin only because I don't use hair dye and blue isn't the happening hair shade it used to be for the senior set. The hip-hop group has pretty much taken over that color and all it's shades. However as the years have passed the respect youth has for the aged has lessened. I would probably get smacked just like I was a 20 year old cage fighter if I told people half the thoughts that pass through my mind in the course of a day.
My chance at the American dream passed by decades ago, poor choices, poor Karma, whatever. My chance at being that nasty old lady who lives alone with 30 cats and her dog is still possible. Support me in my efforts to be that old lady who scares children on my block! I thank you.
Wondering about the picture of the day? That's my 81 year old father fishing last fall. I can only hope to live up to his level of independence as I get older! Just thought I'd end with an up note.
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