Sunday, January 25, 2009

It snowed again last night.  It looks like snow is called for most of next week.  The dog is outside now with an inch of fresh powder on his back looking happy.  I wish my insulation was that good!

The wood stove has been burning all night.  For once in Empire there is no wind!  The heat from the wood is actually staying in my home instead of blowing up the chimney.  I'm not going anywhere today so I won't have to deal with the icy roads.  I'm looking forward to making fat home made noodles to go with the chicken and wild mushrooms that has been slow cooking since last night.  I'll put herbs in them and then let them dry on racks in my kitchen.  Tonight I'll throw them into that pot of chicken and broth and in a few minutes have my favorite comfort food.  

I'm going to take my camera and the dog and go hiking for a while later today.  I'm torn right now between reading some more of the "Life of a Storyteller" the old biography of Isak Dinesen, and going up town and having breakfast with the boys.  I may not even get dressed today having worn sweats to bed last night.  I'll throw on socks, boots , gloves and a major coat, who will know my night clothes are under all of that?  Pretty lazy huh?  

1 comment:

Mama Bear said...

your dress attire is so up my alley. i love my sweats and jammies -they are one in the same. if i could wear them everywhere i would. sometimes i do. hee hee.

so how far do you hike in weather like this?