Monday, April 21, 2008


Maybe it's because it's spring, maybe I hit my head one too many times, whatever the reason I seem to be having random thoughts lately.  None of them seem to offer any conclusions, solutions or enlightenment.  What do you think?

The few, the proud, the convicted, the Marines!  What's with allowing felons in a position that will someday allow them to be armed?  On the other hand, this may well be the most successful rehabilitation program our penal system has ever come up with.  What should I think about a government trying to pursue an illegal, immoral and unpopular war with a volunteer army?  Does that seem stupid?  Uninformed?  Some kind of red herring to keep us from seeing the real plan?

Petroleum companies making obscene profits from gas prices with no real reason but greed.  The side effect does seem to be forcing experimentation to advance on other energy sources.  Does that make up for the people starving now that food prices are pushed so high?  What part of the ill thought out rush to use corn based fuel in cars is rooted in greed by agracorps?  Is the "green" life something the new devotees are going to continue to live after a new fad comes along?  I've been recycling for forty years now as well as many others.  Why weren't these new comers aware that this needed done long before Katrina?  

Why wasn't I born a "perky, bubbly, up" person?  Who hands out the "happy" and "sad" personalities?  Some of us do have to consciously struggle through most of our days trying to swim out of the disconnect and flat affects in order to have some connection with the rest of you?  

Just a few things floating around in my brain today.


Dan Kelly said...
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Dan Kelly said...

I made a spelling error and it pissed me off, so I deleted my previous post. :)

You're not bubbly because you think about world issues. It's a trade off - willful ignorance and perkiness go hand-in-hand. That's why Mary Hart is all legs and teeth 30 years into her career.

Oil companies are making record profits because they, like just about everyone else, realize that their resources are not finite. They can only rape our land and our pockets for so much longer.

On the other hand, you've got a lovely daffodil! Sounds like I'm trying to get in your pants.

LindaRizz said...

Sounds like you're trying to get into my "plants" LMAO! God I crack myself up sometimes!

Donna L. Faber said...

Hey, Linda ... 'member me? I just want to say I'm glad you're not in pain any more, and thank god for the internet. It gives us all a chance to connect cranky or not!
