Thursday, April 24, 2008


  There are two Rocky Mountain Big Horn Rams in this shot.  They were butting heads with each other as it is Spring!  See my car mirror?  They were only ten feet away from me.  They played around for twenty minutes during which time the larger of the two walked over and stuck his head in the window.  I got no picture of that as my hands were full of old cinnamon bun, the treat that lured him over!  Right down the hill from this is some of the best fly fishing in this area.  I love living up here.  I really do!

I saw these two on my way home from a job interview.  I have been offered a position managing a small ranch near this shot.  I think I'm going to do it.  The fishing there is great also!  I keep my camera with me always now as there are always animals coming out this time of year.  The new flowers, the fresh grass so short it looks mowed, the bears, the elk, everything looks so clean, so vivid even under the layer of black and melting snow, mud and muck.  April's one interesting month in the high country.  We've gone from heavy snow to fire danger in two weeks, next the flooding.


Dan Kelly said...

That is one amazing animal! The sheep, not you. Why on earth did you lure it over to your car, you crazy woman!? It could have gone after your chichis AND your cinnamon roll.

LindaRizz said...

They aren't meat or flab eaters. I was safe. They were pretty funny butting heads and dancing. All the animals gets nuts up here in the spring, not just me!