Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Part One-The Yearly First Mushroom Hunt

We knew it was too early for mushrooms, too early, too dry, too bad!  We just didn't care!  Every year my friend Carrol and I start our first mushroom hunts with no real expectation of finding anything.  

We just want to be out of doors, soaking up the beauty and letting our problems stay at home!  Roland loves these trips and puts on ten miles to every five of ours.  Things have slowed down over the years but I still will stay out in the rain picking the first big find this season.  If there is one.  Mushrooms are tempermental things.

We found instead of fungi, orchids!  Where normally there would be ten of the beautiful miniatures out high altitude presents, this year there are hundreds.  There are three color combinations just in these two pictures.  None of these flowers is more than four inches tall if that gives you some idea of their daintiness.

The scarlet flowers in the picture beside my friend are Indian Paintbrush.  The higher the altitude the more intense the scarlet of the flower.  Part two will show some more of our trip.  It was a perfect day, warm and slightly breezy, clouding up in the afternoon, letting us watch a lightning storm of crisp strikes and sharp booms.


Donna L. Faber said...

OH wow! Orchids? You know, I used to wonder why people would blog about where they live. When I was in CT I could never see the point, mostly because I hated it there. Now here in CA where there is so much beauty, I do it frequently.

I used to mushroom with my grandparents when I was very, very little. It's one of my fondest memories.

You must really love where you live, Linda!

LindaRizz said...

Yeah, I do. This time of year at least. Talk to me again in Feb.!