Saturday, July 12, 2008


I'm taking a day to myself to go fishing tomorrow.  I won't do it in this part of the creek, too high, too fast, but there are beaver ponds nearby this place.  It is in heavy forest and is cool, mossy and just beautiful.

Roland will run around like an idiot, laying in the creek, bringing my trees to play cath with, rolling in dead things, just generally hangin' in dog style!  I will fish and wander and later in the day eat the lunch I'll pack, fruit, coffee, and cheese.  I won't have a schedule or a goal.  I'll just roam idly, meditating when I hit the perfect place, napping if it gets too warm.

I need days like that to wash the stress of life out of my soul and to soak in some of the beauty.  I take herb bags and this time of year I'll have my mushroom stuff with me also.  Local lore insists you always find mushrooms if you have nothing to carry them in and I've returned home before with a shirt full of them hoping to get to the car before anyone sees me!  Not this year, this year there are always bags, knives and brushes with me!

1 comment:

Dan Kelly said...

That creek is much prettier than the slow brown creek near me.