Monday, November 24, 2008


Everytime I read a political blog, watch the news, read a newspaper, listen to NPR I hear yet another crisis is in progress.  These events aren't just happening here but all over the world, ever day, hour and minute.  Many people I know give as much as they can.  Many of us make special time to give our neighbors anything we can to help.  Those neighbors can be next door, next town, next continent, the effort is still made to give!

We keep on trying but most of us aren't even sure how many different ways and means this country is in trouble.  Which conspiracy theory should we believe?  How dare the political parties that have had scandal after scandal run in the name of family values?  What kind of families do they have?  My family doesn't encourage pedophilia or call girls.  Does yours?

Petroleum companies have posted record earnings for years now but suddenly gas is down to under $2.oo a gallon.  Do you think there is no profit made at that price?  I bet there is.  Food is staying high in cost.  Houses are not worth what is owed on them.  Even the Swiss have been pulled into the financial mess by their bankers.  They are damned mad about it too!  However, they like us aren't sure how many companies, CEOs, politicians, etc. may have known this was going to happen and still willingly participated just out of greed.  The lack of forethought among so many is hard to believe.  

There is an excellent new book out called "Our American King" set in the very near future that might make some folks very upset when they read it.  The horrible future shown is this book is so frightening because it is so possible.  

I'd like someone who really knows to tell me the truth of our financial situation globally and nationally right now, not someone who is only looking in one or two directions but someone who understands the whole mess.  From what I'm reading there may not be such a person.

Grim Post, I need to find a nice picture to end it with.  Just to remind us all there are beauties all around us.  And that beauty is.....that it doesn't look like that here today!


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