Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Colder Than Hell

It's right at zero. That is not the coldest weather we're going to get this year but it's cold enough for me to whine about.  Last night while it snowed it was down right balmy but when the skies cleared, the cloud cover wasn't holding in warmth anymore and the temperature plummeted.

I think my winterizing has worked!  The draft that no one could find the source of appears to be shut down!  I don't know if that is because I lined the inside of my trailer skirting with Visqueen or because I swathed my screen door in plastic or any of the other strange things I did to warm this place up but the curtains are no longer swaying in the wind!  

It's hard to even think about going outside today but I've got to plan for a ride to work, load up wood and get my poor dog some exercise.  I'm putting on layers as I speak.  It takes twenty minutes to get ready for a twenty second jaunt out to the woodpile.  Winter's  here in all it's glory.

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