Saturday, December 6, 2008

What Next?

I'm looking outside waiting for some light to show in the darkness of the early morning.  It isn't coming soon enough for me.  I've been up for hours and I'm not good with my unsettled feelings this morning.  Ever wake up and know something major was going to happen that day?  I have those premonitionary moments on occassion and this is one.  I never know if it's going to be bad or good, just that something is going to happen.

So here I am, on edge, drinking more coffee just in case I'm not nervous enough.  The way my luck has run lately, ie; the last thirty years, I'm not thinking it will be a pleasant surprise!  However, this is the first day of Christmas Market and I'm looking forward to it!  The smells, sights and sounds of the Mart are always the first thing to really pull me into enjoying the season.  I'll get pictures of the Santa Lucia singers, the hayride, all the crafts, booths, food and ringing bells of the historic event we put on are hard to resist.  

The sun is coming up now.  The grayness is retreating.  I gave myself a good mental shaking and I'm getting ready to face whatever is coming my way today.  Who knows?  This may be the day my life changes for the better?  Or at least for the calmer.  

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