Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I read this morning where the Thai people had managed to get rid of their corrupt government by blocking their airport for more than a week.  A judge threw out the Prime Minister and effectively disbanded his corrupt government!  Good for the Thais.  Why couldn't Americans have done that during the last eight years?

We let a President (and his government) who even now is admitting he did "a few things" wrong and he's "sorry" about the state of the economy , ruin our country, rape our Constitution and lose the goodwill of the world.  We, as a people, did very little.  The few protests were not held where they might have made any difference as people could get arrested if they didn't have a permit to march.  Asking the corrupt government to allow you to protest just isn't all that ballsy an action, is it?

Our protesters just didn't have the stick-to-itiveness of the Thais I guess.  They were worried about getting arrested ( I know it passed through my mind when we were being reviled for our anti-war protesting BEFORE the Iraqi war.)

 They had too much and too many other interests to have the passion it took the Thais to get rid of their very own version of BUSHCO.  I look at Obama and hope I am looking at Change.  And I hope if I am not, that people get off their dead asses and do something before the tattered rags of America are completely shredded.  Think about Thailand, a poor country with  brutal punishments , and what they have accomplished and be ashamed we let it go so long.

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