Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Big Move

I had moved out of the big bedroom several years back when I had some company.  I had just never gotten back in there for one reason or another.  Recently I put a new bed in there, spruced it up and moved back in because I miss the views.  One whole wall is windows. Most of two other walls are also windows in a U-shape.  I have seedlings covering every square inch of space and strawberry baskets hanging from the book shelf that tops those windows.

I woke up at 4:30 this morning and watched the entire parade of light and color as the sun rose on these hills freshly covered with snow.  The tiniest hints of pink in the clouds and periwinkle in the sky made me put down my book and just enjoy the show around me.  By the time it was full light the clouds for the next storm were gathering, the fog was coming down from Berthoud and todays allotment of sun is gone for the time being.  I put on a jacket and go outside to refill the hummingbird feeder and get in wood for this next storm.  Wildflowers are coming up everywhere in this abundance of moisture.  It's an unsettled time of the year, part glee and part suicidal depression.  People will whine all day about the weather.  They need to kick back and enjoy it's eerie beauty.  Soon we'll be fighting wildfires again.

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