Saturday, May 24, 2008

There's frost again this morning.  It's pretty cold outside and I think about all the people who are coming up to our forests thinking they should camp out on Memorial Day Weekend.  For years it's been a miserable holiday weather wise up here.  There's sun on occassion but the temperatures are in the 30s, not exactly balmy for a sleeping bag that came from your little brother's Fort Commando set!  Every morning in the resturants of the area you will see them huddled over coffee, snuffling their runny noses and telling their girlfriends, wives and children that it wasn't usually like this.  And it isn't at least not in July!  However, the end of May is chilly up here.  We don't plant outside until as late as the second week in June some years.  In another month I may be whining about the heat but right now, I'm building fires in the morning and living with my garden indoors.

I find the tourists invading us for every holiday a strange thing.  We need the money but it's hard to deal with the discourtesy, poor driving, vandalism and trash they bring with them.  The average American family doesn't seem to have a lot of fun on vacation, more like a lot of stress! It's time for the locals to step back, go to work and stay at home if possible for the rest of this weekend.  The party atmosphere that used to come with holidays here now comes with listening to people complain about the prices while they drive cars that cost 4 times the amount my home did and require one of my paychecks to fill.  I'm fixing my home up for my company for the next few days and now matter where we go or what we do, I'm going to make sure not a complaint comes from anyone.  Vacation is all about fun and we're going to have it while trying not to make anyone else miserable.  Wish us luck!


Mutha Mae said...

You and Dan usually update your blogs about the same time, making me wonder if you are the same person. Or at least connected on a very deep and spiritual bloggy level? When I see his updates in Google Reader, I know yours are sure to follow. Cool. I love it! Hope we can all meet again in the forum soon.

Dan Kelly said...

Linda and I are two very, very different people. :) Don't start rumors.

Are you going out in any of that tourism mess, Linda? Are you all set for visitors yet?

LindaRizz said...

I think that is hilarious Dan. Our main connection is our love of food!

LindaRizz said...

ps, No, I hurt myself moving the water heater so my place is about half ready, of course there is no running water and that's an inconvience to say the least! I'm going to wash dishes today by heating water on the stove. I don't think we'll be here a lot anyway as we are going to have to take showers at the rec center 12 miles away! I am planning our scenery trips about that!